Hi There! I'm


I Empower Entrepreneurs, Executives, and Professional Speakers with Magna Influence Communication & Business Growth Strategies so that:

  • Leadership is more Effective.

  • Sales are more Profitable.

  • Presentations are more Engaging.

  • Customers are more Loyal.

Hi There! I'm


I Empower Entrepreneurs, Executives, and Professional Speakers with Magna Influence Communication & Business Growth Strategies so that:

  • Leadership is more Effective.

  • Sales are more Profitable.

  • Presentations are more Engaging.

  • Customers are more Loyal.

Welcome To

For over 3 decades I've been helping Business Owners and Corporate Leaders Amplify Their Impact & Magnify Their Influence over Their Employees and Customers, Achieving Better Results, Multiplying Sales and Profits without having to sacrifice their personal life for their company. All that with total integrity and while assuring a much better experience for everyone involved (including their families).

Sure, this About Page shares a little bit about me, but it's really about YOU.

It's about how you can leverage the knowledge and experience I've gained over the years to finally break through your challenges and achieve the results that you've been looking for.

How It All Started.

I had always been interested in the how people become successful. I was 12 when I started reading every book I could about Leadership, Negotiation, Influence, Sales, Public Speaking, Entrepreneurship, Human Behavior... Applying my learnings, my career advanced fast, from a delivery boy in a small business to the Head of a Business Unit for a Multinational Corporation at the age of 22.

Everything looked great until I realized the challenge ahead of me in that position. The corporation was treating that unit as a small business operation that they were planning to shut down because of the massive losses it was accumulating in the last 5 years. And they gave me only 6 months to show some significant results... and turn things around... or...

Facing Big Challenges.

As most people do, I faced some incredible challenges along the way. I felt lonely and overwhelmed several times. I questioned my capacity to get things done, to achieve the necessary results. I was working overtime all the time, with almost no social life, with very little sleep, stressed out, burnt out... and it happened: I fell asleep on the wheel... didn't make that turn, my car hit the pole, the pole crashes on top of my car... Saved by a Miracle!

With immense gratitude I realized that I had to be more effective as a leader, think as a brave business owner, and be smarter in the way I could get things done. I needed a more impactful way to communicate with my employees, my peers, my vendors, and, obviously, my customers. I needed better strategies and techniques to Lead my Team, to Sell Products and Services, and to Present my ideas so that I could get more collaboration and results from others around me.

How To Achieve Excellence and Extraordinary Results Without Feeling Overwhelmed

Even if you think this is impossible for you

Building The Expertise.

After spending a ton of time and money into many management books and courses, I decided to identify the most practical ideas, focusing only on the most useful ones...

It was very hard to simplify... but it worked. Within 6 months, we achieved the breakeven point. And, in 2 years, we were positioned within the 3 most profitable operations in the planet, in our industry. We had 87% market share and super satisfied customers. And I was working much less and enjoying life much more because I had a high performance team getting things done with Excellence.

That success story launched my new career as a Business Advisor, Leadership Coach and Inspirational Speaker. Many Business Owners and Executives started asking me to help them with my proven effective practical approach, so they didn't have to spend the time and the money to master those things.

Helping YOU Succeed.

Since 1996, I have helped hundreds of organizations (small, medium, and large) to double, triple, and even 10X their Sales while improving Customer Loyalty & Profitability, using the very same management strategies, leadership practices, and ethical influence techniques.

We have simplified The Best Management Strategies to Increase Profits Consistently, including checklists, guides, and techniques. We have simplified The Best Leadership Practices to Build High-Performing "Rock Stars" teams! We Know How to engage, inspire, and empower your employees to get things done and achieve Excellence in what they do, saving time and money in the process! And We Identified The Best Ideas to win loyal customers, amplifying Marketing and Sales ROI. We know how customers think, how they behave, and how they make decisions. And we know how to prepare you and your team to communicate with them more effectively.

By now you are probably asking yourself:
"- What does this have to do with me?"

I get it. The point is:

I did the research.

I consulted the best in the field.

I tested everything and got extraordinary results.

I put in the hours of work so you don't have to.

Your Time Is Now.

Today, I have the honor of working with an amazing community of world-changers. They are Brave Business Owners, Experts and Entrepreneurs, as well as Executives from Major Companies (like Audi, Apple, Cisco, Corteva, Citibank, Dow, Dupont, JLL, Microsoft, Motorola, Merck, McDonald's, Nestlé, Oracle, Puratos, Schneider Electric).

They all experienced significantly better results when working with me. And I want the same for you...

Imagine if you finally broke through the obstacles and challenges you have been dealing with for years...

What could happen if you were able to eliminate procrastination and low performance once and for all?

What would your life look like if you could feel confident in every meeting, every negotiation, every presentation, every interaction with others, commanding better outcomes under any circumstances?

The next step is up to you. What do you want to do?

Our Clients Are Awesome!

Empowered Entrepreneurial Women


In Social Endeavors, Sustainability Projects, Diverse and Inclusion Initiatives, Beauty and Self Esteem Industry, Real Estate, Aviation, you name it, women are everywhere, making a difference.

Expertise-Based Business Owners


High-Tech, AI, SaaS, Health Care, Consulting, Coaching, Professional Speaking, Supply Chain, House Inspection, Real Estate Investments, Financial Advisory, Wealth Management, Insurance.

Several Generations of Leaders and Creators


Startups, Inventors, Software Engineers with a Business Mindset, Designers, Writers, Digital Transformation Architects, Directors and Managers born between 1960 and 2000.